Click and Collect Now Available!
We've got some exciting news to share with all our loyal customers: we've just launched click and collect at three of our stores!!! Yay!!! Now you can shop online and select 'click and collect' when you go to checkout, so you don't have to wait for delivery! If you live or work within 5kms of Melbourne CBD, the location of our 3 click and collect stores, you can order online and go pick up straight away! How good is that?
Head to our website (you're already getting warmer) and browse for upcoming birthdays, holidays or just to treat yourself! We've got the perfect gift for anybody, whether it be Dad, Mum, the kids or your one true love, we've got them sorted!
Once you've found the perfect gift for that special someone, or a coat you simply have to have, add to your cart!
Instead of our delivery option, you can now choose to Pick Up your items! Simply select the store that's within 5kms of your workplace or home!
When your order is ready, we will call you and organise a time convenient for you to come and pick up from our superstar team!
Now your beautiful new treasures are with you and you don't have to worry about the excess cost of postage (another yay!)
Available at the following store locations 11am-3pm:
111 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne 3000
9663 4444
550 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
9670 4560
44 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
9650 0506
9650 0506
Happy collecting!